
Our core expertise is to perform extracellular recording of single-units at all essential stages of the ascending pain pathway, i.e. at the level of the DRG, the spinal cord, and occasionally the parabrachial area. Routine experiments include recording of unmyelinated DRG neurons (aka C-fibre), lamina I spinoparabrachial neurons and lamina III-V neurons of unknown projections in mice or rats.

Experiments are designed to assess the effect of pathophysiological conditions (e.g. neuropathy) and/or drug treatments on the activity of the key players at the origin of pain sensation. Examples of exploratory experiments and pharmacological studies can be found in the “Publications” page.


C-fibre action potentials wide dynamic range neuron morphine
Nav1.7 channel blocker nociceptor DRG mice
Neuropathic pain sensitization of lamina I spinoparabrachial pathway
modality specific neurons lamina I spinoparabrachial pain pathway
lamina I spinoparabrachial neurons inflammation sensitization
SS spinal morphine no line +title
SS Nav1.7 DRG no line +title
SfN poster 2017 + title
neuron + title